Girard Gazette (31 January 1901, page 8 column 4 "North Otter"):

The remains of Mrs. Charles Mann were brought here Friday and interred in the Crawford cemetery. Mrs. Mann was the daughter of James Crawford, of South Otter. She was at time of death 25 years and 11 months old. She leaves three small children with her companion, father and two brothers to mourn her departure.

The Greenville Advocate (Thursday, January 24, 1901, page 2 column 3, near bottom):

Death of Mrs. Charles Mann.

Mrs. Charles Mann died about four o'clock yesterday afternoon in a room in the Moss block on the north side of the square, after an illness of several days of peritonitis.

The remains were taken to Girard this morning for burial, accompanied by the father and husband of the deceased. Mrs. Mann was 32 years old [sic, should be 25 years old] and was born and raised in Macoupin County. She has resided here several years and is very highly spoken of. She leaves a husband and three children. Mr. Mann works in W. D. Root's feed store.

[Obituary courtesy of Frank Oglesby.]

Macoupin County Enquirer (Wednesday, 30 January 1901, page 9 column 1 "North Otter"):

Mrs. Chas. Mann, who died of paritonitis, Wednesday morning, at their home in Greenfield, Bond county, was the daughter of Uncle James Crawford of South Otter. The remains were brought to Girard Thursday morning, and were taken charge of by Undertaker Joseph Crawford, who took the corpse to the residence of Lewis Woods, where funeral services were held Friday morning by Rev. T. J. Gilbert, of Girard, after which the remains were taken to the Crawford cemetery near Blooming Grove, in South Palmyra township, and there laid away by the side of her mother, who preceded her to the grave over twenty years ago. Deceased, at the time of her death was 25 years and 11 months old. She leaves a husband, three children, a father, stepmother, two brothers and two half sisters to mourn her sudden taking away.

Macoupin County Enquirer (Wednesday, 30 January 1901, page 9 column 1 "South Otter"):

Died, at her home in Greenville, Bond county, Miss Roena [sic] Mann. The deceased is a daughter of J. M. Crawford. She leaves to mourn her loss a father and two brothers and a host of friends. The burial services were conducted by Jos. Crawford, of Girard. Her remains were laid to rest in the Crawford cemetery, north of Blooming Grove church. The father and brothers have the sympathy of the friends and neighbors.